MEMBER ASSOCIATION NAME: Saudi Arabian Water Environment Association (SAWEA) WEF AFFILIATION SAWEA will be a Member Association (MA) of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), and will participate in WEF activities.

1. Name

1. 1 The name of this association shall be Saudi Arabian Water Environment Association, hereinafter designated as SAWEA.

2. Affiliation

2. 1 SAWEA shall be a Member Association, hereinafter designated as MA of the Water Environment Federation, hereinafter designated as WEF, and shall participate in WEF activities. The Constitution and Bylaws of SAWEA shall be in harmony with the WEF Constitution and Bylaws.

3. Objectives

3.1 The objectives of SAWEA are as follows and are in harmony with the those of WEF: 3.2 Advance the fundamental knowledge of the water environment, its basic qualities, and physical laws governing its interaction with other aspects of the environment and with the aesthetic, economic, and biological needs of the earth's inhabitants. Advance the knowledge and technology in the design, construction, operation and management of water quality systems and facilities. Increase the knowledge and understanding of the earth's water environment and encourage and promote action necessary for its enhancement. Develop and implement effective delivery mechanisms to disseminate rapidly knowledge concerning the water environment to members and to other interested parties. Promote sound policy in matters relating to the water environment. Improve the professional status of all personnel engaged in any aspect of protecting and improving the earth's water environment. Strengthen and build alliances with organizations throughout the world incorporating members of all professions dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of water quality and water resources. Stimulate public awareness of the relationship of water resources to the public welfare and the need for pollution prevention, resource recovery, preservation, conservation, and reuse of water resources. Serve Saudi Arabian Water Environment Association professionals.

4. Geographical Boundaries

4. 1 The geographical boundary of SAWEA is chartered for the country of Saudi Arabia. WEF members from other countries in the Arabian Peninsula may join SAWEA as part of the exclusive service area, which shall not overlap another MA service area.

5. Management

5. 1 The affairs of SAWEA shall be managed by the SAWEA Boards which will consist of an Executive Board and a General Board, under such rules as these may determine; in keeping with the intent of this document.

5. 2 The Executive Board and General Board shall consist of the following officers and a designated WEF Delegate who shall serve as a member of the WEF House of Delegates.

6. Executive Board Members

6. 1 The Executive Board shall consist of a minimum of five members, the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Director, and General Secretary. During an Executive Board meeting a simple majority of the Executive Board is necessary to approve an action. During a General Board meeting in the absence of a quorum of the General Board, the Executive Board may execute any business that may be brought forward for action. A simple majority of the Executive Board is necessary to approve an action..

6. 2 President

6.2.1 The President shall provide general supervision of the affairs of SAWEA.
Preside at all meetings of the SAWEA Boards. Maintain a schedule of meetings and events. Send Board members advance meeting announcements with agendas.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees and appoint the members of all Management Committees and all committee Chairs and Vice Chair subject to approval by the Executive Board, except as otherwise stated in this document.
Perform such other duties as may be brought to his attention by the SAWEA Boards.
Be an authorized co-signer of checks issued against the funds of SAWEA as required by and in accordance with procedures established by the Executive Board.
Any Board member including the President needing to make expenditures on behalf of SAWEA must submit a Withdrawal Form to be approved and signed by both the Treasurer and President.
Be familiar with and maintain the most recently amended copy of the SAWEA Bylaws and make them available to active members by assuring that a current version of the By-laws is available on the SAWEA web site.
The President may use the help of the SAWEA office paid staff to complete his duties.

6.3 Vice President

6.3.1 The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of prescribed duties.

In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the responsibilities and duties of the President. In case the Vice President cannot act, the Executive Board shall elect one of its members to act in his place.

Preside at all Board meetings in the absence of the President.

Act for the President when required. Be ex-officio member of all committees.

Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Boards.

Be an authorized co-signer of checks issued against the funds of SAWEA as required by and in accordance with procedures established by the SAWEA Boards.

The Vice President may use the help of the SAWEA office paid staff to complete his duties

6. 4 Treasurer

  • 6.4.1 The Treasurer shall serve as an advisor with respect to the funds of the SAWEA.
  • Consult with the Executive Board and the SAWEA office paid staff as to the custody and investment of funds, preparation of annual budgets, review of financial statements pertaining to said budgets, and the financial report of the SAWEA financial affairs.
  • To be an authorized co-signer of checks issued against the funds of SAWEA as required by and in accordance with procedures established by the Boards.
  • Present a report for each calendar year at the Annual Meeting of the SAWEA Board reviewing receipts and expenses, assets and liabilities, audit, and other reports of SAWEA.
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Boards.
  • The Treasurer may use the help of the SAWEA office paid staff to complete his duties

6.5 Director

  • 6.5.1 Serves as the executive officer of SAWEA and may represent SAWEA at the annual WEF meeting and or Conference. The Director shall operate under the general direction of the President and the Executive Board.Serve as single contact person representing SAWEA in all communications with WEF.

6.6 General Secretary

  • 6.6.1 The Secretary shall take minutes of all meetings and distribute to the membership. Distribute all meeting notices, agendas and SAWEA correspondence to the Boards. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive and General Boards. Be an authorized co-signer of checks issued against the funds of SAWEA as required by and in accordance with procedures established by the Boards. The General Secretary may use the help of the SAWEA office paid staff to complete his duties.

7. General Board Members

  • 7. 1 Members of the General Board shall be members of the SAWEA Board and represent the members of SAWEA in pursuing the member association’s objectives. Within the name of General Board members there will be two groups of General Board members, the members in 1st Group will have titles reflecting their specific responsibilities and areas of focus as needed by the Executive Board, the members in the 2nd Group will not be given a specific title and will be refer to as General Board members only, as their focus and assistance will varied on as needed basis determined by the Executive Board.
    7.2 Any Board member needing to make expenditures on behalf of SAWEA must submit a Withdrawal Form describing the expenditure and this form will need approval and signatures by both the Treasurer and President and coordinated via the SAWEA office paid staff.
    7.3 The positions held by members of the General Board may include, but not be limited to the following:

7.4 Assistant Director/WEF Delegate

  • 7.4.1 The Assistant Director shall assist the Director in the performance of prescribed duties. In the absence of the Director, the Assistant Director shall assume the responsibilities and duties of the Director. The WEF Delegate shall represent SAWEA in the conduct of all business by the WEF House of Delegates, and other duties in harmony with WEF. Acting on behalf of SAWEA, WEF Delegate serves as a primary conduit of information exchange between SAWEA and WEF and any issues of importance to the MA. The role of the WEF Delegate is critical to the success of WEF and the SAWEA, therefore, persons chosen for the role of Delegate must be willing and able to devote the time, energy, and effort to participate and be engaged in WEF activities. WEF Delegate may serve more than two consecutive terms.

7. 5 Webmaster

  • 7.5.1 The Webmaster shall maintain the SAWEA Website. He shall be responsible for maintaining the website as required by the Boards. Post material on the website only as approved by the Boards. Monitor billing for the website and ensuring the website bills are paid on time to keep the web service operating. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Boards and SAWEA office paid staff The Webmaster may use the help of the SAWEA office paid staff to complete his duties.

7.6 Individual and Corporate Membership Coordinator

7.6.1 The Membership coordinator shall maintain the membership records of SAWEA including a current membership list. Shall be responsible for sending out membership renewal notices to all members four weeks before their membership expires. Shall be responsible to be proactive in coordinating new membership and membership renewal campaigns. Coordinate with SAWEA office paid staff to collect dues from members and forwarding to WEF. The Membership Coordinator may use the help of the SAWEA office paid staff to complete his duties.

7.7 Events Coordinator

  • 7.7.1 The Events Coordinator shall be responsible for the actions of Board-appointed coordinators of SAWEA events and shall report on the activities as requested by the Boards. Shall assist the coordinators of SAWEA events in their activities as necessary. Shall maintain files of information and contacts for organizing events and make the files available to Board-appointed-coordinators and SAWEA office paid staff of SAWEA events. Shall assist the Boards with finding sponsors for SAWEA events. Shall maintain regular communication with SAWEA office paid staff in order to keep records current.

7.8 Newsletter Coordinator

  • 7.8.1 The Newsletter Coordinator shall prepare a SAWEA Newsletter on a quarterly or more frequent basis as requested by the Executive Board and SAWEA office paid staff. Shall review and coordinate other SAWEA publications as directed by the Board. Shall be responsible for distribution of the Newsletter to all SAWEA members. The Newsletter Coordinator may use the help of the SAWEA office paid to assist in the production and distribution of the Newsletters.

7.9 Media Coordinator

  • 7.9.1 The Media Coordinator shall be responsible for preparing all SAWEA press releases. Shall be responsible for providing press interviews, as requested by the Executive Board. Shall be responsible for keeping copies of all media releases, publications and transmitting them to the Web Master for publication on the SAWEA website. Shall maintain regular communication with SAWEA office paid staff in order to keep communication records current.

7.10 Past President

  • 7.10.1 The Past President shall serve as an honorary Board member to provide support for SAWEA and help the new President assume his responsibilities.

7.11 Desalination Technology Advisor

    7.11.1 The Desalination Technology Advisor shall assist in all desalination related educational/presentation topics.

7.12 Wastewater Management Technical Advisor

  • 7.12.1 The Wastewater Technology Advisor shall assist in all wastewater related educational/presentation topics.

7.13 Water Management Technical Advisor

7.13.1 The Wastewater Technology Advisor shall assist in all water related educational/presentation topics.

7.14 Education Academia Liaison

7.14.1 The Education Academia Liaison shall identify and target potential schools and universities with which to build and maintain new relationships/links. To be the main point of contact for schools and colleges to ensure and search for volunteers for SAWEA events. Contribute to and assist where necessary co-coordinate production of Education publications and participation of Poster Contests during SAWEA events.

7.15 North American Liaison

7.15.1 The North American Coordinator, shall be responsible for assisting the SAWEA Board with any items that require coordination with WEF, individuals or organizations in the United States. Including, coordinating the participation and travel of the WEF representatives (WEF Management, WEF International Marketing and any others) that will be participating in the Water Arabia Conferences. Additionally, as required, available to represent SAWEA at WEF meetings that may be held in the US during WEFTEC or at any other time as requested by the WEF Board.

7.16 Ministry of Environment Water & Agriculture (MEWA)

7.16.1 This position will be best appointed by the office of the Ministry of Saudi Arabia.

7.17 General Board Member

7.17.1 At the discretion of the Executive Board, a number of SAWEA members may be given the genetic title of a General Board Member which will not indicate a specific area of responsibilities but instead to be of assistant in whatever areas needed. Up to seven (7) positions under the title of General Board Member can be appointed by the Executive Board. The duties of the General Board Member will be to support the Boards.

8. Paid Office Manager

8.1 The paid Office Manager manages the overall operational, budgetary responsibilities and activities of the association. Maintains all office services by organizing office operations and procedures; controlling correspondence; designing filing systems; reviewing and approving all Board Members requisitions; conducts all clerical functions including all telecommunications. Maintains office efficiency by planning and implementing office systems, layouts, and equipment procurement. Maintains all SAWEA membership records and implements procurement of memberships by establishing standards and procedures. Plan, evaluate, and improve the efficiency of SAWEA processes and procedures to enhance speed, quality, efficiency, and output. Communicates regularly with the Executive Board members, and other designated contacts within the association. Performs other duties and responsibilities, as assigned by the Executive Board. Participation is essential in the biennial Water Arabia conference organized by SAWEA. Office Manager beginning wages and any annual increments shall be approved by the Executive Board.

9. Attendance to WEFTEC (WEF) in the USA

  • 9. 1 Each year one of the members from the EXECUTIVE BOARD will be encouraged to attend the annual WEFTEC conference organized by WEF in the USA. For this trip a total flat amount of 16,000 sar will be subsidized by SAWEA to be used for airfare, hotel, local transportation and meals during this trip.

    A written expenditure request form will need to be submitted to the Executive Board for approval. Once trip is completed written documentation of attendance must be submitted to SAWEA office.

    9.2 WEF Delegate being the primary conduit with WEF, will be highly encouraged to attend the annual WEFTEC conference organized by WEF in the USA. For this trip a total flat amount of 16,000 sar to be used for airfare, hotel, local transportation and meals during this trip. A written expenditure request form will need to be submitted to the Executive Board for approval. Once trip is completed written documentation of attendance must be submitted to SAWEA office. WEF Delegate is required to be a member of WEF in good standing.

10. Terms of Office

  • 10.1 The terms of office of all positions on the Board shall be two years. No one may serve more than two consecutive terms in any one Board position with the exception of the WEF Delegate position. The Executive Board may consider waiving this clause on a case by case basis..

10. Nomination and Election of Officers

  • 11.1 The SAWEA Board shall schedule and conduct a general election every two years for the election of the Board members. The general election campaign shall be held in the month of January.

    11.2 Nominations must be given to the President in writing at least one week prior to the general election meeting. Nominations must be signed by two eligible voting members of SAWEA and signed by the nominee indicating a willingness to serve if elected to the nominated position.

    11.3 The Executive Board will appoint an individual to be responsible for organizing and running the election at each term.

    11.4 Election shall be by majority vote of the eligible voting members present at the third Annual General Meeting that is held in the term of the current Board. Should any nominee for office not receive a majority of the votes cast for that office, the names of the two nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be resubmitted immediately to the eligible voters for reconsideration.

    11.5 In the case of a vacancy occurs in any Board position, the Executive Board may appoint an alternate to complete the term of the vacant position. In the event that any Board member fails to perform their duties as recorded in these By-laws or as requested by the Boards, they may be removed from their position by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

11. Membership

  • 11.1 The membership of SAWEA shall consist of individuals and organizations interested in any of the SAWEA’s objectives, who reside in or maintain a place of business within the geographical boundary of SAWEA and similar individuals and organizations in neighboring countries within the Arabian Peninsula as described under the section of Geographical Boundaries.

12. Membership Classifications, categories, qualification and privileges.

  • 12.1 Membership Categories of the SAWEA shall include the following international categories of membership:

    12.2 Active - Eligible voting member of SAWEA, entitled to the rights and privileges granted by WEF and SAWEA, including the right to hold office, serve on committees and the right to vote.

    12.3 Dues for each category of membership, SAWEA membership fee shall be determined by the SAWEA Executive Board and shall include the current dues for WEF which such dues are established by the WEF Board of Trustees.

    12.4 All classes of membership are designated by WEF.

13. Individual e-Global Membership.

  • 13.1 This membership is available to any individual, living outside of the United States, U.S. Territories, Mexico and Canada. Any individual interested in the advancement of knowledge relating to the mission and critical objectives of WEF. As an e-Global member, will gain access to all Professional membership benefits offered in electronic or online formats. This membership does not include discounts for WEFTEC or specialty conferences. e-Global members are full-voting WEF members.

14. Individual Global Professional Membership

  • 14.1 This membership is available to any individual, living outside of the United States, U.S. Territories, Mexico and Canada. Any individual interested in the advancement of knowledge relating to the mission and critical objectives of WEF. As a Global Professional member, will gain access to all Professional membership benefits offered in electronic or online formats. This membership does include discounts for WEFTEC or specialty conferences. Global Professional members are full-voting WEF members.

15. Group Members Corporate

  • 15.1 An organization, engaged in or interested in at least one of the stated objectives of WEF and the SAWEA, who is entitled to one representative, who shall have the rights and privileges of an active member. In addition, WEF also welcomes any organization that supports the preservation and enhancement of the global water environment. One corporate contact, from the Corporate member organization, is entitled to all Corporate member benefits.

16. Student

  • 13.1 This membership is available to any individual, living outside of the United States, U.S. Territories, Mexico and Canada. Any individual interested in the advancement of knowledge relating to the mission and critical objectives of WEF. As an e-Global member, will gain access to all Professional membership benefits offered in electronic or online formats. This membership does not include discounts for WEFTEC or specialty conferences. e-Global members are full-voting WEF members.

17. Meetings

  • 17.1 At least one Annual Meeting of the active membership of SAWEA, shall be held at a time and place selected by the Executive Board. SAWEA members shall receive notification of all such meetings not less than 30 days prior to the meeting.
  • 17.2 The General Election Meeting (every two years in January) may be held as part of an annual meeting.
  • 17.3 The General Board shall meet every quarter or as needed on dates approved by the Executive Board.
  • 17.4 A quorum for SAWEA meetings shall be at least 50 percent of the current active Board members. Motions at Board meetings shall be passed when 51 percent or greater of the Board members present vote in favor of the motion, otherwise, the motion is rejected (the Past President position is not considered an active Board member position and shall not be counted in voting, a Past President who is serving as an active Board member shall have one vote).
  • 17.5 The SAWEA Board shall approve events and meetings by majority vote. Requests for a meeting or event shall be forwarded to the President who will present them to the Board.
  • 17.6 The President shall prepare proposed schedules and maintain approved schedules for all meetings, events, presentations, seminars, workshops, conferences, or similar events approved by the Board. Schedules should be posted on the SAWEA website if applicable.

18. Amendments

  • 18.1 Initiation and review
  • 18.1.1 Amendments to this Bylaws may be proposed by a majority of the Executive Board, on petition of 50% eligible voting members of the SAWEA. All proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board.
  • 18.1.2 Proposed amendments shall be forwarded to the WEF Constitution and Bylaws committee for review and evaluation as being in harmony with the WEF Constitution and Bylaws prior to being voted on the SAWEA Boards.
  • 18.1.3 Notices of proposed amendments and the complete text of a proposed amendment shall be sent, by the Board, to each eligible voting member at least 30 days before it is to be voted upon..
  • 18.1.4 Amendments to this document may be approved by 50% affirmative votes of the eligible voting Members, following review and approval by the WEF Constitution and Bylaws Committee.

18.2. Adoption

  • 18.2.1 Amendments to this bylaws may be approved by the voting membership at a meeting at which quorum is present, or any other manner expressly authorized by the Executive Board.
  • 18.2.2 An amendment approved by the SAWEA membership shall take effect immediately, and the revised Bylaws shall be published on the SAWEA website.

19. Quorum and Voting

  • 19.1 A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of its respective members. A quorum of the voting membership shall consist of five percent (5%) of total voting members.

20. Disposition of assets upon Dissolution

  • 20.1 Dissolution of the MA may take place with the consent of a minimum of _60% of the members of the SAWEA Board Members. 20.2 In the event of dissolution of the SAWEA, the office property and assets thereof, following satisfaction of all obligations and liabilities, shall be disposed of exclusively for the purposes of the MA as determined by the Executive Board Members at a meeting convened for the purpose of dissolution. Notice of dissolution shall be given to WEF within _30 days.

    (The only difference between this SAWEA website copy and the SAWEA office copy is that it does not include the Executive Board members initials of approval)

Saudi Arabian Water Environment Association © 2012.